Thank you for taking the time to visit and read my blog. I hope you find the information I write here about my disease, achalasia, helpful. My goal is to have one less person not have to go through what I went through. I hope to be an advocate for this disease, and hope people can learn from it, as well.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! In Muncie, it was full of crazy people in the craziest costumes (although the Oompa Loompa was LEGIT), too many alcoholic beverages, and too many cops. Oh well. It's Halloween in a college town...what do you expect?

I wish my doctor would get home from his vacation I was talking to my dad on the phone today, I realized how pathetic my eating schedule is, haha. He named off a few things I could make for dinner and I replied like this to them: "Mac and cheese doesn't go down well" and "No pasta, because when it comes up, it's gross" and "Yeah, well water isn't even staying down, so no food here." Kind of sad.

I didn't go to a date party I was invited to last night because I didn't want to embarrass my date. I felt really bad, but I couldn't keep anything down yesterday, and I didn't want people talking to him saying, "Why does your date leave every 2 seconds?" after every drink I took. I really wanted to go, but I didn't want to upset my date, and I didn't want to embarrass myself.

It's things like these I take for granted now...I felt absolutely horrible, but was too embarrassed to go to a party because I couldn't drink. That's pretty bad. I hate feeling this way. It will be all over (hopefully) soon! :)

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend, and has a good start to the week. More to come...

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