Thank you for taking the time to visit and read my blog. I hope you find the information I write here about my disease, achalasia, helpful. My goal is to have one less person not have to go through what I went through. I hope to be an advocate for this disease, and hope people can learn from it, as well.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yesterday and This Morning

My mom wanted a second opinion on getting surgery, so this past Thursday, I went home for another endoscopy. The doctor took pictures of the inside of my stomach and esophagus (pretty gross) and confirmed that I needed the surgery. He prescribed me some medicine to hold me off until the surgery, and basically it allows me to eat a little bit. I'm supposed to take it a half hour before I eat meals, but he said it'd give me a headache and probably make me feel dizzy. I've been running everywhere this week so I hadn't had a chance to take it until last night, before heading to Puerta Vallarta's (best Mexican place in Funcie) for a girls dinner. I was definitely able to eat more, but he was right - my headache was KILLER last night, and I was definitely dizzy.

I didn't know if the headache was worth eating a little probably was, but it wasn't last night. I know I should take the medicine, but I just feel horrible when I do. We'll figure something out.

One of the things I miss most is bread! I can't remember the last time I had a bagel, yummm! My roommate talks about grilled cheese all the time and my mouth waters, haha. Not really, but yeah. Bread seems to get "stuck" in my esophagus easier than anything else, and it's not worth all the trouble I'd have to go through to eat it, so I just try and avoid it. That means getting the naked burrito at QDoba, the Unwich at Jimmy John's, and never eating PB&J, the ultimate sandwich! Again, it's something I've learned to live with, so it's not a big deal anymore.

Fall Break starts for me tonight at 9:30 p.m. so tomorrow I will be sleeping in and then heading back to Carmel, YAY! Hopefully this weekend at home will be full of fun with my family.

More later! Thanks for reading :)

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