Thank you for taking the time to visit and read my blog. I hope you find the information I write here about my disease, achalasia, helpful. My goal is to have one less person not have to go through what I went through. I hope to be an advocate for this disease, and hope people can learn from it, as well.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Well, it's 3 days after my surgery. And I woke up at 7 a.m., BOOOOO. So early! Yesterday, I found out I had to stay the night again. But in the morning, they took my epidural out, along with my catheter, so I was finally able to get up some on my own. Well, I had to if I needed to use the bathroom. I also got to put underwear and my favorite sweatpants on, so I was definitely comfier! After I got off of my epidural, they gave me 2 vicoden pills which helped, and made me really tired. Also, I had some fabulous visitors yesterday! Thank you for coming, Lauren Mason, Amy Voth, Sara Gerlich, Alison Morphey, Nick Neary, and Matt Robinson!! I loved seeing all of you, and it really made my day :)

I watched the Colts game here , had some more visitors, and then got my "yummy" dinner - vegetable soup broth, mushy zucchini, applesauce, and sierra mist. A not-so-great dinner last night, but that's okay. My dad came back last night towards the end of my dinner and we hung out for a big. We ended up going on a walk around the 2nd floor, and I came back and was really sore. The walk really wore me out, and we took a tiny lap. Fail, haha. After that, I took some more vicoden to help the pain, and went to bed for the night around 7:30. My dad left, and here I am, up at 7:20 on Monday morning updating this and watching "Twilight."

My doctor will be in today to most-likely tell me I'm going home, thank goodness! I'm unattached to everything right now, and my nurse even took my IV out. The only thing I have right now is my heart monitor, but even then, I'm allowed to be up and moving when dealing with all of that. So, I can't wait to go home! They let me shower yesterday, and that felt amazing! Bah, I Just can't wait to be in my own home :)

Again, thank you all so much for all you've done. I hope this blog has been helping to understand what achalasia really is, and all of that. Love you all :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Good morning everyone!

I am very sore today, but that's definitely expected. I'm still in the intensive care unit, but without oxygen, as it was taken off this morning. I still have a trillion tubes coming out of everywhere but that's okay. I'll be moving rooms here in a little bit to a room just in the general hospital where I'll be allowed to use my phone and I can have visitors! You know what that means :) Haha kidding.

I got SOME sleep last night, but was woken up about every hour to have my blood pressure checked, get more labs drawn, etc. So I sleep at odd hours and for weird periods of time. But I discovered the free movie channel! So today I've been up since around 6, and have watched Elf, Kung Fu Panda, and now my mom and I are watching Nights in Rodanthe. Wahoo.

My surgeon, Dr. Freeman, told me I could drink clear liquids today; water, apple juice, and jello are some of the options. So I asked for some water and I'm keeping it down. I started to cry. It's so cold! I can't remember what I said in yesterday's blog, but I had a different surgery than I thought I would, the Heller Myotomy. Dr. Freeman said this time next week, I'll be eating normally again. GRILLED CHEESE!!! YES! But I cried last night too when I heard about that. I still can't get over that I'm keeping water's so exciting. I Just cried again.

I've been having to do breathing exercises, and it's super hard! That sounds weird, but my throat hurts so bad and I'm like, panting after I get up to move to a chair like, inches away.

I'm definitely on the road to recovery, and will be eating with you all so soon! That means I can sit on the inside of a booth now! Haha.

Thank you again for your love and support!

Friday, December 4, 2009

After getting to St. Vincent's at 6:30 a.m., waiting for forever, and having a 2 1/2 hour surgery, I'm HERE! They let me have my computer in intensive care, but not my cell phone. Thanks for texting me everyone...I got to check them, but I couldn't respond. Tomorrow, after I move to a different room, I'll be able to use it, so be prepared for texts because I'm bored!

I had a different surgery than expected -- it was as Heller Myotomy. Only 3 incisions, and this time next week? I'll be able to LEGIT eat :) I'm very sore, but have pain meds or it. I had to have an epidural which was weird; I'm NOT preggers, thank you very much. But it's my source of pain meds, wahoo!

It's hard for me to type because I have a thing on my pointer finger, so this has taken me forever to type...I'll update this more tomorrow.

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, texts, emails, and Facebook posts! I really really appreciate everything :)


So...I leave in 20 minutes to go to the hospital! I'm very nervous. And VERY excited!!

My check-in is at 6:30, so I'm kind of assuming surgery is at 8 or 9? Who knows. I don't.

I can't imagine what it will be like to swallow something and feel it go into my stomach. I'm just like, speechless. Today my life changes for the better..bah now I'm crying. I can't believe today is THE day. I'm so lucky to have gotten this date and thank you to all my friends and family who have emailed me, written on my Facebook wall, hugged me, etc. You all mean the world to me, and I can't imagine my life without you!

I'll have one of my parents update this sometime today, so check back.


Thursday, December 3, 2009


So...TOMORROW is the big day! I can't wait! This morning, one of my sorority sisters and I went to Starbucks for my one last coffee for awhile, because I won't be able to have it afterwards. Hello, yet, goodbye, iced peppermint mocha. The same sister and I were talking last night and we got talking about my surgery and she ended up working in the office where my doctor works all summer and knows my doctor and all that jazz. Kind of a small world!

I am more than ecstatic about tomorrow, and now, really nervous! I've reminded all of my professors about it, and they've been more than helpful which is absolutely amazing. I know all of this sprung up on them really quickly, so I really appreciate them being so flexible and helping me out. It puts less stress on me knowing all of this!

I'm getting kind of nervous about the whole thing now. A lot of people are asking me questions about it; the more I talk about it, the more anxious I get. I feel very confident in what I talk about, though. My parents and I have done a lot of research on what the procedure is, information about the doctor, etc. I like to show people certain website (they have pictures, and it's a LOT easier to explain) or just direct them towards the blog. I know everything will be okay, but I can't help having that ounce of nervousness in the back of my mind.

My mom said she'll update this for me tomorrow once I get out of surgery and all that jazz. Joke's over if she posts ANY pictures, ugh. Haha.

But yeah, this is officially my last post before I'm all better, YAY!! Again, I really appreciate everyone's support, prayers, thoughts, and kind words of encouragement. Can't wait to see you all again in January!